Wednesday, July 25, 2007

More Flashbacks - Snippet 3 June 2004

I have just spent some time having Woodrow read Snippet 1 and Snippet 2 to me. I laughed at the amusing things that I wrote about 3 years ago. Since then, much has happened.

I went ahead in July of 2002 and wrote that romance based on that certain bass player. I fell and totaled my arm and was unable to work for most of July 2002 so I spent the time writing. It went from the line, (which I actually heard that certain bass player say) “I wrote it” to over 56,000 words. The title started out “The Night Has It’s Heroes” by Marge Conrad. It ended up “ShadowsForge I: Three Times a Hero” written by Jena’ Galifany (that’s me!) and is self-published through (Side note: I wouldn’t suggest using them to publish a grocery list. Too bloody expensive and they don’t help you market unless you pay them a LOT!) The book went live December 29th of 2003. I have sold about eight copies so far. Not rolling in the dough but I need to market it more.

I have gone on to write four more ShadowsForge books. I came across a site called that publishes stories online. These stories are to be ongoing, continuous, like a soap opera. I submitted ShadowsForge II: Trials on Tour and it was accepted. I left it online for about four months with no buyers. (Shrug). During this time, three people at Deluxe read the first book. Joyce, Brandi and Samantha. I dedicated it to them for giving me the courage to publish it. Other readers were Stephanie, Mike, Blanca, my Mother!!! (yeah), Patrick, and Tam (Patrick’s fiance’). All gave me kudos on the story.

As I continued to write the SF series, Joyce, Brandi and Sam were my beta readers. They really enjoyed reading about my band of British Bad Boys. Sam left Deluxe so I recruited Jennifer. She is the best of all my readers. She is so into the story, you’d think she lived next door to the band. She is good for my ego. Each of them enjoy different characters in the story and they argue about it as if it were real life. I like to sit back and listen.

I have written 19 issues of “ShadowsForge II: Trials on Tour”. I wrote 33 issues of “ShadowsForge III: Retaking America”. I reworked an old fan-fiction that couldn’t ever be published into “ShadowsForge V: Sharon’s Song”. I am currently working on “ShadowsForge IV: Something About Brian and Something About Jon That is Yet to be Named that Will Fill In The Gap Between SFIII:RA and SFV:SS.” I have since removed the series from KIC as Patrick wants to start up a publishing company and wants to publish my works. I pray this pans out. If I have to pay someone for publishing or if someone has to make money off of my work, I’d rather it be family. (Which reminds me, I have to send him some teasers.)

I rewrote SFI:TTAH so that it is 1) new and improved and, 2) can be published by Patrick without Authorhouse having a cow. I can’t take their format elsewhere but now it’s a new story that I can take anywhere.

On other fronts: I have had “Why Can’t I Be Me?” a children’s story, published by The Writers Room Magazine online in January 2004. I have been an editorial reviewer for TWRM for almost a year. I have also been one of the Poetry and Flash Fiction Editors for TWRM for almost a year. I recently (June 2004) had two articles published on One on Repairing Antique Clocks that Daddy helped me write and another on Finding Missing Relatives that I wrote alone. I sold another article on how to build an LED flashlight written with the help of Steve but it has not been published yet. I have taken an online course in editing AP style through and have a certificate having tested 100% on the final. I am taking a long distance learning course in Writing Children’s Books.

I should be writing a review on One Pink Rose, the book I read last night. It is part of my audition for doing reviews for a new site, It was a great story, laugh out loud funny in some places. I have the sequel that I will be reading as soon as I finish the review of the first one.

I think I have procrastinated enough for now. I hope to keep up the Snippets from now on. I think it may turn into a Blog. That would probably be a good idea as I can keep people interested in the SF series and get more sales. Of course, I think SF should have their own blog or newsletter. I should do a survey and find out how many people would subscribe to a newsletter about a mythical rock band. Could you just imagine them having a fan club? That would be Great!!!


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